Category Archives: Tea

Get Romantic With Tea

When it comes to romance, many set the mood with a glass of pinot noir, or a bubbly flute of champagne. Don't forget that "tea for two" can also brew romance, if you pay mind to the presentation. Tea can be poured in a porcelain mug, a metal goblet or a shallow saucer. Some like…
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A Beginners Guide To Oolong Tea

Over the last few years green tea has become very popular and is available in most cafés and stores. It is also used in all kinds of products such as shampoo, face cream, candles and many other daily items. Oolong tea is produced from the same plant, which is called Camellia Sinensis. The difference is…
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Chinese Herbal Teas Explained

Chinese herbal teas are technically called Tisanes. These are recognized as infusions made herbs and not tea from the Camellia Sinensis plant. When the tea is steeped in hot water, the essence of the herb is extracted. Traditionally, the Chinese herbal teas are used for their medicinal and healing properties. There are many varieties that…
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How to Brew Green Tea

Brew Green Tea To experience the utmost health benefits, green tea should be brewed rather than fermented. Fermentation is most likely used in black tea but never in green tea. There are basically three important reasons why brewing is used in green tea. Reason # 1-- Brewing green tea doesn't eliminate the important nutrients, vitamins and components…
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