Category Archives: About Coffee

Hawaiian Coffee – The Flavor Of The Tropics

Hawaiian Coffee - Kona Coffee Then you already know how beautiful and picturesque these islands are, if you have ever visited Hawaii. They offer fantastic food which can't be matched anywhere in the world and the Hawaiian coffee is another thing which is highly sought after worldwide. Hawaiian coffee, also known as Kona coffee, offers…
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Five Reasons To Drink Your Coffee Every Morning

Five Reasons To Drink Your Coffee Every Morning By Teresa Te Many people start each and every morning with at least one cup of coffee, some with a whole pot of coffee. often reports come out about the unhealthiness of that cup of coffee, and then some will come out about how good it is…
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Your Brain on Coffee: How Caffeine Affects Brain Chemistry

Caffeine Affects Brain Chemistry By Bethany Ramos In your love affair with coffee, have you ever struggled with a pesky caffeine crash midafternoon? For most of us, this midafternoon slump is the perfect time to reach for yet another cup of Joe to keep energy levels high so that we can make it through the…
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Stovetop Espresso Brewing Tutorial

Stovetop Espresso Brewing By Michael Allen Smith This is a quick tutorial on the stovetop espresso brewing maker. It is also known as a Moka Pot and is sold under the name Bialetti. Let's get started. #1 Fill the Bottom Chamber with Water Fill the bottom chamber with cold water. Stumptown Coffee advises pre-heating the…
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